Home News Brian McKnight’s Ex Julie Responds To Him Suggesting Their Children Are “Evil”

Brian McKnight’s Ex Julie Responds To Him Suggesting Their Children Are “Evil”

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Brian McKnight had some harsh words to say about his biological children recently, but it doesn’t look like his ex-wife Julie is letting them get her down. Earlier this week, the performer took to social media to respond to criticism for praising his young step-daughter Julia while disowning most of his other children. According to him, Julia is his “one and only daughter,” despite his other one Briana.

Later on, he implied that his biological children needed to be removed from his life for him to find happiness. “In order to live a life that you love, you have to get rid of the evil and the negativity, even if that evil and negativity is related,” he said. “We want everyone to live a life that they love. But in order to do that you have to get rid of that evil and negativity.”

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While one might expect his biological children’s mother to be upset, Julie made it clear it hasn’t fazed her. In a clip shared on Instagram, she seemingly addresses the negativity coming from her ex. She’s also sure to note that she’s personally “so proud” of who she raised. “The point of every negative situation, whether it’s an illness whether it’s a fool that you have to deal with because they keep entering your life when you are no longer giving any more energy to it, is to only keep you down to where they thought they had you because they were the author of an extremely abusive situation emotionally, mentally,” she explained. “And they’re no good at not being the center of attention anymore. So when everybody pulls that away, it’s like a kid without candy who throws a tantrum…”

What do you think of Julie McKnight’s response to her ex Brian’s recent claims about their kids? Do you think he crossed the line? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.

Read More: Brian McKnight Changes Name To Match Youngest Son’s, Older Son Responds


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