Recently, Justin Bieber took to Instagram to announce the birth of his and his wife Hailey’s first child. The pair first announced the pregnancy in May with an adorable photoshoot, and are celebrating their little one’s arrival in a similar way. The singer shared a sweet photo of Hailey holding the baby’s tiny foot, which she later shared on her Instagram Story earlier today. “WELCOME HOME,” he wrote simply. “JACK BLUES BIEBER [bear emoji].”
As expected, countless fans and peers are leaving supportive messages in his comments section. “Baby fever up 1000,” Ice Spice said of the adorable photo. “OMG BEAUTIFUL!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!” Tems wrote. “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaa congrats brother,” Ty Dolla Sign added. Kylie Jenner, Chance The Rapper, Coi Leray, Kevin Hart, and more also joined in.
Justin & Hailey Welcome Jack Blues Bieber
For now, it remains unclear exactly when the child was born, though Hailey told W magazine that she was already six months along when she finally announced the pregnancy. According to her, the bump didn’t become obvious until her second trimester, making it fairly easy to hide. “I didn’t have a belly, really, until I was six months pregnant, which was when I announced it. I was able to wear big jackets and stuff,” she explained. When she finally revealed the exciting news, she told the outlet she was relieved. “I didn’t enjoy the stress of not being able to enjoy my pregnancy outwardly,” she described, “I felt like I was hiding this big secret, and it didn’t feel good. I wanted the freedom to go out and live my life.”
What do you think of Justin and Hailey Bieber announcing the arrival of their first child with an adorable photo? What about fans and peers showing their support in the singer’s comments? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.
About The Author
Caroline Fisher is a News Writer at HotNewHipHop from Chicago, Illinois. She started at HNHH this year, and has since spent her time writing about all that is newsworthy in the world of hip-hop. With a drive for hunting down the hottest stories, she enjoys documenting new developments in culture and entertainment. She also has an appreciation for hip-hop and seeks to cover the most important trends and shifts.
She has a Bachelor of Arts which she received at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Having graduated in 2022, she majored in English with a concentration in Media, Rhetoric and Cultural Studies.
Specializing all things music, pop culture and entertainment, some of her favorite musical artists include Snoop Dogg, OutKast, and Nicki Minaj. When she’s not writing about music she’s also a fan of attending shows, watching the latest movies, staying up-to-date with current events, photography, and poetry.