Home Crime Lead Prosecutor Will Remain On The Case After Judge’s New Ruling

Lead Prosecutor Will Remain On The Case After Judge’s New Ruling

by cashonbank.com
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We’re already months into the Young Thug trial and it doesn’t appear to be close to reaching a resolution. In fact, some involved with the case have estimated that if the witness list isn’t shortened the trial could go on until 2027. Whether or not the bold prediction comes true remains to be seen but in the meantime the trial is continuing on despite one controversy after another throughout.

Most recently, Young Thug’s lawyers filed a new motion. They were attempting to have the lead prosecutor on the case, Adriane Love, removed from the trial. But after a newly announced ruling from the judge, she’s officially staying on the case. Video sharing the announcement features hundreds of comments about the judge’s bias. Fans following the trial have pointed out numerous times they felt like the judge was acting overtly biased in favor of the prosecution. “That judge want thug in jail I never seen a trial last this last long” and “Judge is bias common knowledge” two of the top comments on a post sharing the videos read. Check out the full announcement the judge made today.

Read More: Young Thug’s Apparent Weight Gain Goes Viral

Lead Prosecutor Will Stay On Young Thug RICO Trial

Messy stories about the YSL RICO trial seem to emerge almost every day. Earlier this week one of the witnesses in the case was being cross examined when she revealed some concerning details. She accused one of the investigators in Fulton County’s District Attorney’s office of sexually harassing her.

That came just a few days after a witness was allegedly forced to take the stand despite reporting suicidal thoughts. The witness was allegedly robbed in 2013 and the prosecution is attempting to prove Thug’s connection to it. But she was forced to take the stand despite making it clear she wanted no part in the trial. What do you think of the newest developments in the Young Thug YSL RICO trial? Do you think the court should take steps to prevent the trial from lasting as long as it appears it will? Let us know in the comment section below.

Read More: Meek Mill Weighs In On Young Thug’s Trial


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