Home Business & Ventures Master P And Rap Snacks Co-Founder James Lindsay Share Six Tips For A Successful Business Partnership From

Master P And Rap Snacks Co-Founder James Lindsay Share Six Tips For A Successful Business Partnership From

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Class was in session during the second day of the ESSENCE + New Voices Entrepreneur Summit and Target Holiday Market as Percy “Master P” Miller and his business partner, James Lindsay took to the ESSENCE E-Suite for an intimate conversation on all things business and success.

Master P has established a solid reputation in the entertainment industry and beyond with success as an independent rapper, Hip-Hop label owner and respected business mogul. As the CEO of successful Hip Hop-inspired chip brand Rap Snacks, Lindsay also has quite the success story.

In addition to sharing what’s next for Rap Snacks, including the ‘Boss Up Program,’ a collaboration with the Biggie Smalls Foundation and the launch of Rap Noodles, the pair also shared a few valuable tips for navigating a successful business partnership as entrepreneurs.

Scroll through to check out some of what they had to say and then be sure to head back to ESSENCE.com for more of everything you missed at the inaugural ESSENCE + New Voices Entrepreneur Summit and Target Holiday Market.

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